Auckland Council’s draft budget for 2023/24, proposes to cut $36.5M from regional arts, events, and…
Indigenous Ecology and Arts Wananga
An Indigenous Ecology and Arts Wananga was developed last year with Lance Cablk (Restoring Takarunga Hauraki), Jermaine Reihana and Linda Blincko (Depot Artspace).
This has come into fruition with Martin Law Painter of Paradise’s recent exhibition at Depot Artspace, ongoing workshops in schools and now the upcoming lantern workshops in early July with master carver Natanahira Pona. We look forward to more opportunities to keep building on projects that encompass the arts and ecology.
Below is more information about the Indigenous Ecology and Arts Wananga from lead person Lance Cablk:
Coordinated by Restoring Takarunga Hauraki (RTH) with the Depot Artspace collective, our team of volunteers and other collaborators and artists specialise in creating and expressing insights and connection with nature and with core Māori customary values of Tūrangawaewae, Kaitiakitanga, and Manaakitanga. Building on prior successes with all nine local schools and several early childhood centres, we are expanding and solidifying our arts-and-science kaupapa promoting engagement with and commitment to RTH’s ecological restoration goals through creative collaborations with neighbouring communities at local reserves and sacred maunga.
In undertaking this approach we acknowledge a broader kaupapa of creating ongoing dynamic communities of learners connected to the rich history and opportunities of the Devonport Peninsula.
Community benefits:
Creativity can inspire broader audiences and community engagement, especially when young people and families are prominent. The artists for this project, including Martin law and Wendy Pettersen have been chosen for their passion and capacity to build confidence among students and to bolster everyone’s understanding and appreciation of indigeneity and Tūrangawaewae.
Adult and student volunteers, especially those who take long-term leadership at our local reserves and maunga, form a network of mutual support and continuity for our ecological restoration efforts. Successful restoration inspires and provides opportunities to learn and imagine further possibilities connected to regional flagship conservation projects (e.g. native birds migrating from Rangitoto).
Additional volunteer leaders and kaitiaki would assist in the maintenance of ecological restoration progress at reserves, especially along the Significant Ecological Areas along Ngataringa and Shoal Bays, our two semi-urban ecocorridors, and pest-free halo projects along these areas and the sacred maunga.
Over the next year, our team’s broader kaupapa (“Takarunga Hauraki Indigenous Ecology and Arts Wananga”) includes further collaboration to highlight our local and regional ecological restoration work and creative communities through art exhibits, a nature-arts trail, and other emergent events and activations on the Devonport Peninsula.
To get in touch for further info contact:
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To get involved in the upcoming free Lantern making workshops & Hikoi: Click Here