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DEPOT, Te Whare Toi is open from Tues-Sat, 10am-4pm

Depot Artspace Gallery Call Out – Exhibitions & Events 2021

Over the years, Depot’s adaptability and responsiveness to change have sustained it through the vagaries of life. While 2020 has thrown us all some major curve balls, we’re facing 2021 with optimism about the difference the arts can make to our future; both here in Aotearoa and to the world.

Depot Galleries are a part of this new future, and in 2021 we will be offering opportunities for exhibitions and events that are both responsive and give form to the changing creative landscape

The Depot Artspace kaupapa, “Creating an environment that encourages creating,” is brought to life through our exhibition programme where practising artists are able to attract and engage their audience in a multi-disciplinary creative space which embodies a strong sense of whanau community.

What exhibiting at the Depot means:

  • One of the key components of the Depot valued by its members and visitors is the experience of community and of wairua. Through both the culture of the Depot and its exhibitions, we draw people together.
  • As a multi-disciplinary creative community there are opportunities for cross-pollination, collaboration and an ongoing relationship.
  • Exhibiting artists are able to participate in our annual Members’ Show and any other exhibitions with a membership base.

Download the 2021 exhibition & events proposal form from:

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