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Three Career Questions to Ponder over Summer



The ArtsLab Consulting team understand that summer can be a time for reflection, particularly about your career and what makes you happy and fulfilled. Here are three questions to ponder over whilst enjoying a cool drink in the sun, swimming at the beach, or barbecuing to your heart’s content.

What Am I Most Curious About in Life? Often, the things we are curious about have the potential to translate into a job. For example, a recent client shared a story of how when he was a child he would make his mum pause the cartoon DVDs he watched so he could draw the characters. He’s now a 2D animator. Follow your curiosity and interests, but realise that you do not know what will interest you unless you try new things. Make the summer of 2017 the summer of trying new things.

What Sort Of A World Do I Want to Help Create? Many career decisions stem from a desire to meet our own wants and needs. It’s possible to re-frame our decisions towards asking what the world needs and how we might go about offering our strengths in a spirit of service.

What Are My Non-Negotiables? We all know that every job has its own set of advantages and disadvantages and that we all make compromises with our choice of paid work; however, is your current role draining you of your life energy and is it worth it? Taking the time to figure out what your top values are makes career decisions much easier. If you would like to make a fresh start in the New Year, the ArtsLab team is here and ready to help.

Happy Holidays and come say hi in the New Year!

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